Are you seeing Fred:11 in your sleep? When your mind is completely blank and you turn the corner, is this what you encounter? Is someone trying to send you a message?

If any or all of the above are true, there is still help available. Here are a dozen suggestions that will help you survive The Fred:11 Phenomenon:
1. Cut down on your Muscatel and Wild Irish Rose.
2. Cut back on your number of doobies.
3. Pull the plugs on your digital clocks until 2013.
4. Stop calling The Psychic Hotline.
5. Cut out Oprah and Dr. Phil for a while and watch nothing but war movies.
6. Get rid of that wristwatch and start asking complete strangers what time it is.
7. Stop reading the Fred Fortune blog.
8. Burn all your top hats.
9. Get a girlfriend.
10. Get a boyfriend.
11. Get a life.
12. Get lost.
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