Social misfit, homeless con man, interplanetary thief and intergalactic felon.
Fred Fortune is the Earthling you never want to becom

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fred Fiend 3-D

Oh, yeah. Now ain't that some shit? It's bad enough that, instead of a cool Doppelganger, I apparently have this evil anti-me running around the universe, pretending to be me. I only suspected that last year when I did a post about this Fred Fiend joker. Now the little anti-me prick is in 3-D.

And, no, that doesn't mean you can see him in 3-D at the movies. What the term 3-D means on Mars (and just about anywhere else in the Milky Way Galaxy) is that whatever it is, it's gone multidimensional. Criminee, that means I'll have to go back to hitching rides on roving wormholes in order to find this nasty negative nemesis and kick his ass.

I mean look at him. Just look at him. They say I look like the love child of Groucho Marx and Charlie McCarthy. Talk about queer. And I say Farnsworth M. Mudd looks like the love child of Eleanor Roosevelt and Stan Laurel. But he really does and he damn well knows it.

Well, this Fred Fiend freak looks like the love child of Elton John and Felix the Cat, so I certainly hope he's not real. Hell, I don't want Fred Fiend to be real. Hell, I didn't want Elton John to be real, either, although I never had a problem with Felix the Cat. Hey, don't laugh. It's no laughing matter when your nemesis goes 3-D on you, no matter what he or she or it looks like.

Now go away and leave me alone. Can't you see I've got my own troubles?