Hell, I'm not afraid of the goddamn Illuminati. Without their Armani suits, their chauffeured limousines and that sorry-ass rabble of starry-eyed conspiracy theorists who think the Illuminati are descendants of the Knight's Templar or at least the Freemasons and therefore worship them from afar, they're nothing. Just a lot of talk that only a bunch of bought-and-paid-for heads of state and top-drawer military men seem to really go for.
And that's because those heads of state and crooked generals are, in turn, bought and paid for, themselves, by the Illuminati. It's sort of a symbiotic relationship between a bunch of bottom-feeders whose clout with the real powers-that-be is pretty much Earthbound. Big-ass deal.
I, on the other hand, can come and go as I please because I never hurt anyone. And that kind of karma keeps working for you when the so-called shit hits the fan and the so-called heat is just around the corner. In the long run, it always pays to be a good guy.
So, whether or not I'm here or there or anyplace else, I'll be going and going just like the goddamn Energizer Bunny. And there's nothing the Illuminati can do about it. And they damn well know it.
Fred's Note: After I wrote and posted this story I decided to change the title from "Exit Stage Right" to "Hippity Hop" because I wound up talking about The Energizer Bunny. But I didn't feel like re-posting it just to make the URL match the title because that's a lot of extra work and I was just too damn hopped out to do it. So I was.
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