Just like one day about a year ago (before I was snatched and then dumped by the Grays), I was telling this guy about how Earth is going to hell in a hand basket and this shithead starts squirming on his bar stool and looking the other way. But he didn’t move to another stool. Hell, no, I was buying the rounds, that’s why. The sneaky shit.
Anyway, I told him any asshole could tell the country was going to hell in a hand basket, if not the whole goddamn planet, just by going to the movies these days. Nothing but belly buttons and butt cracks and four-letter words. And everything in tones of gray and blue and black, like color is a bad thing nowadays. And when I mentioned that, the prick just squirmed and squirmed.
Then I busted his chops about TV and told him they shouldn’t be saying words like “asshole” and “dick” and “prick” and "bitch" and “knocked-up” on TV, especially not at prime time, for heaven’s sake. Kids are watching. Doesn’t anybody care about them anymore? That made him squirm even more on his stool, so much that he actually farted and then pretended that he didn’t. That’s when I moved down to the other end of the bar. Then I realized that was his way of getting rid of me. I guess he didn’t want another free shot and a beer all that bad.
Later I heard him saying to another guy (who was also paying for all the drinks) that I sounded like a broken record. That pissed me off. Pissed me right off. I thought about slugging the both of them but they were a lot bigger than me and in better shape. They haven’t been outcasts as long as I have and they even had homes. They probably have big-ass wide-screen TVs and just love prime time. They probably even love those sappy commercials that sell you pills for everything but boils on your ass. They probably go to the movies all the time. So, I just let it go.
Man, being right don’t mean shit these days.
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