He's baaaack. Yep, Fred never gives up, even if he should. And this time he's back with a little help from me, Farnsworth M. Mudd, his partner in homeless crime. It's the least I can do, helping Fred Fortune expose the alien abduction conspiracy for the whole solar system to see. Wow. What a crime.
And, yeah, this drawing of me is better than what I see in the mirror so I'd rather look like this than the love child of Eleanor Roosevelt and Stan Laurel. Wow. I'll get Fred for that smart aleck remark. And he knows it, too. So, let there be no surprise there.
OK. Now, be a pal and indulge Fred. He's not always right (in fact, he's hardly ever right) but he's got more guts than you and me put together. Unfortunately, most of his gut is pure Mallo Cup. But who gives a crap? Shit, now you got me swearing. I hope you little bottom-feeders are worth it.
And, yeah, this drawing of me is better than what I see in the mirror so I'd rather look like this than the love child of Eleanor Roosevelt and Stan Laurel. Wow. I'll get Fred for that smart aleck remark. And he knows it, too. So, let there be no surprise there.
OK. Now, be a pal and indulge Fred. He's not always right (in fact, he's hardly ever right) but he's got more guts than you and me put together. Unfortunately, most of his gut is pure Mallo Cup. But who gives a crap? Shit, now you got me swearing. I hope you little bottom-feeders are worth it.
Fred Fortune's
Mars Broadcast #6
Mars Broadcast #6
Author's Note 11-07-13: This video was uploaded
by Michael Casher to Blogger. You can't watch this video at YouTube
because it does not exist there. That is another Google redirect which
is nothing more than a lie to get you to watch other videos at YouTube
instead of the uploaded video on this blog post. This new uploaded
format at Blogger was introduced in November 2013 by Google without
notice to anyone.