By the way, I didn't re-post the caption that the real culprit put beneath this animated gif when he put it on the Saturn Outernet late last year, Earth Time. I thought it was stupid. It said, "Liz Licks Bug Butts", which is about as dumb as they come. Which also tells me that the original poster just had to be an Earthling from The Big Apple. Don't ask me why. And, more than likely, he was a former Wall Street stockbroker, probably one of several whose pockets I've picked for candy bars and chewing gum. That's why he posted it in the first place. To put me in Liz's gun sights so she could zap me good and put me out of pickpocketing commission for a while. Which she did.
Incidentally, this dumb-ass animated cartoon character doesn't resemble Warden Liz in the least. In fact, it ought to compliment her because this little lizard is kind of cute, if you ask me. The real Liz, who looks like a cross between Godzilla and Agnes Moorehead, blew her stack over the insinuating caption, "Liz Licks Bug Butts", because it's basically true. Whenever Reptilians run out of mice and big-city hoboes from Earth, they've been known to dine on insects, butts and all.
So, did I give this animated caricature a new caption? You bet I did. Being a hungry, homeless bum in the ruins of a Martian capital is being just about as down and out as you can get. And the only real cure for being down and out is pulling a prank on the one who keeps you in that homeless, hopeless matrix. So, I re-captioned the image of this little lizard licking and licking away to read:
So, did I give this animated caricature a new caption? You bet I did. Being a hungry, homeless bum in the ruins of a Martian capital is being just about as down and out as you can get. And the only real cure for being down and out is pulling a prank on the one who keeps you in that homeless, hopeless matrix. So, I re-captioned the image of this little lizard licking and licking away to read:
To Liz, from Fred:
"Bottoms Up!"
or should I say:
"Bon Appétit!"
"Bottoms Up!"
or should I say:
"Bon Appétit!"
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